At Ernst Basler + Partner (EPB, my employer) Stephan Heuel and I have done some community-building in the Swiss geoindustry, starting with a Twitter analysis followed by five instalments of the GeoBeer event series. Further, Stephan and I both blog privately (see Stephan’s blog here) and within the EBP geoinformatics blog.
These activities led me to re-assess the state of Swiss GIS blogging (once again). Here is what I found after my call for contributions by fellow GIS enthusiasts. All these blogs relate to geoinformation and GIS and are written in Switzerland (in English or in German), consider subscribing in order to stay abreast of the latest GIS developments in Switzerland:
Blog by Stephan Heuel, Head of Data Analysis and Consulting at EBP -
Blog of the Institute of Geomatics Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (thanks for this one, Stefan!) -
Blog and WebGL tutorials by Martin Christen, Senior scientist at the Institute of Geomatics Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland -
Blog by Timo Grossenbacher, MSc student in Geography at the University of Zurich -
Blog by Peter Schaer, Geoinformation Office of the Canton of Berne -
Blog by the HMQ Group -
Blog by Marco Bernasocchi, MSc in Geography and owner of -
Blog of the Swiss OpenStreetMap association -
Blog by the Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (doesn’t allow comments) -
Blog by Matthias Kuhn -
Blog by Robert Fritz, centred on AutoCAD Map
- for completeness: and
- soon to be launched: Swiss School GIS blog (thanks for this one, Christian!)
- not exactly about GIS but a blog of geography riddles about Switzerland: (thanks for this one, Vasile!)
For now I have included blog-related formats that don’t allow comments, although using a stricter definition I think they shouldn’t be lumped together with actual blogs that encourage interaction.
Have I missed anything? Most certainly, for example the list contains no blogs in French or Italian. Please shoot me an e-mail if you know more or list any additional Swiss GIS blogs in the comments!
Post-scriptum additions:
Blog by Camptocamp (also in English and German) about open source projects, conferences, corporate and tech news(doesn’t allow comments)
Worth Reading and Informative !!
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