On July 3rd, I was invited to give a talk at Ignite Zurich. If you don’t know the format: it boils down to 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds giving you a total of 5 minutes stage time – pretty intense! I chose to make my talk about some of the research I’ve been doing with my colleagues at the Oxford Internet Institute, namely Drs. Mark Graham and Bernie Hogan.
I’ve published the slides on SlideShare:
You can see some tricks I employed, for example building up to a conclusion over three to four slides in order to try and convey some more complex bits of information. Because of the format the information content of the slides overall is relatively low, I’m afraid. But Ignite Zurich will soon post videos of all talks, I shall update once I know more.
Meanwhile, if you’re interested in this research topic, please find more info using these links (or contact me on Twitter or via mail):
- Information Geographies blog of the OII
- The Connectivity, Inclusion, and Inequality group at OII
- The Geonet project of the OII about the changing connectivities and potentials of Sub-Saharan Africa’s knowledge economy
- Mark Graham’s blog zerogeography
- Our paper ‘Uneven geographies of user-generated information: Patterns of increasing informational poverty’
- Our forthcoming paper ‘Digital divisions of labour and informational magnetism: Mapping participation in Wikipedia’. Watch SSRN for a pre-print version soon to be uploaded or contact one of the authors directly.