Since last week there is a new addition in the small Switzerland-focused and GIS-related part of Twitter. This is as good an opportunity as any to list the few entryways into that small Twitter niche. Here are the (subjectively) most relevant accounts and hashtags I know:
SwissGIS list and hashtag
Under the monicker “SwissGIS” I compiled and continuously update a collection of accounts that tweet about GIS with some regularity, are run by people that are currently based in Switzerland and (mainly) tweet in English, German, French, or Italian. You can find this Twitter list at At the time of writing, it encompasses 287 accounts. The SwissGIS list has been the subject of several analyses, the most recent one being this one on the EBP blog.
I and a few others have occasionally used the #SwissGIS hashtag to specifically mark tweets as well.
Under the @CHGISEdu account and the #CHGISEdu hashtag you can find news about Switzerland-based, GIS-centric educational offerings, e.g. by universities or companies. Follow @CHGISEdu and tweet your GIS course offerings with the hashtag #CHGISEdu and the @CHGISEdu account will share your news with its followers. Since @CHGISEdu is also featured on the SwissGIS list, up to 300 GIS users in Switzerland will see your course news.
@CHGISJobs and #CHGISJobs
Everything what I wrote about @CHGISEdu? – The very same things apply to @CHGISJobs and #CHGISJobs. Follow and use the hashtag and have your GIS job vacancy retweeted to the currently 250 followers of that account. Like @CHGISEdu, @CHGISJobs is included in the SwissGIS list.
@GeoBeerCH and #GeoBeerCH (also: #GeoBeer)
Together with @ping13, a.k.a. Stephan Heuel, I organise GeoBeer in Switzerland, a free, non-commercial, roughly quarterly meetup of the Swiss geo-scene. The @GeoBeerCH account is not overly active, but certainly announces GeoBeer-related news (and those are the ones you don’t want to miss ;-)). Occasionally we will also share news about other non-commercial events.
What did I miss? Know of any indispensable Swiss GIS-related Twitter accounts? Please let me know in the comments!
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