
While studying for my Masters and my PhD at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and working as a research assistant and being a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford, UK, I have (co-)published several articles in academic outlets. Topics range from geodata, 3D data and geomorphometry to crowdsourcing and the digital divide. After my academic work, I continue to (co-)author technical reports on behalf of clients and occasionally abstracts for conferences. The former are only rarely made publicly available.

Except where noted, below publications have been refereed.

Data politics and crowdsourcing

Collaborative visualizations for Wikipedia critique and activism
De Sabbata Stef, Çöltekin Arzu, Eccles Kathryn, Hale Scott A., Straumann Ralph K. (2015): Collaborative visualizations for Wikipedia critique and activism. Proceedings of ICWSM 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom, doi: 10.1609/icwsm.v9i5.14692

Towards (re)constructing narratives from georeferenced photographs through visual analytics
Straumann Ralph K., Çöltekin Arzu & Andrienko Gennady (2014): Towards (re)constructing narratives from georeferenced photographs through visual analytics. The Cartographic Journal, 51(2): 152–165, doi: 10.1179/1743277414Y.0000000079

Sustainability through Open Data: Examples from Switzerland
Logean Antoine, Lavrovsky Oleg, Straumann Ralph K. & Gassner Peter (2012): Sustainability through open data: Examples from Switzerland. Proceedings of EnviroInfo 2012, Dessau, Germany

Online photo repositories as vehicles of narratives: Stories about Zurich
Straumann Ralph K. (2012): Online photo repositories as vehicles of narratives: Stories about Zurich (workshop paper, abstract-refereed). Proceedings of http://cartonarratives.wordpress.comCartography & Narratives Workshop 2012, 106–120, Zurich, Switzerland

SwissPeaks – Spatial analysis of usage statistics of a mobile app
Wider Tom & Straumann Ralph K. (2012): SwissPeaks – Räumliche Analyse von Zugriffsstatistiken einer mobilen App(likation) (conference abstract, in German). Proceedings of GeoSummit 2012, Bern, Switzerland

Digital divide

Uneven digital geographies… and why they matter
Graham Mark, De Sabbata Stef, Straumann Ralph K., Ojanperä Sanna (2018): Uneven digital geographies… and why they matter. In: kollektiv orangotango+ (Eds.): This Is Not an Atlas: A Global Collection of Counter-Cartographies. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld

Who isn’t online? Mapping the ‘Archipelago of Disconnection’
Straumann Ralph K. & Graham Mark (2016): Who isn’t online? Mapping the ‘Archipelago of Disconnection’ . Regional Studies, Regional Science Volume, 3(1): 96–98, doi: 10.1080/21681376.2015.1116960

Digital divisions of labour and informational magnetism: Mapping participation in Wikipedia
Graham Mark, Straumann Ralph K. & Hogan Bernie (2015): Digital divisions of labour and informational magnetism: Mapping participation in Wikipedia. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(6): 1158–1178, doi: 10.1080/00045608.2015.1072791

Uneven geographies of user-generated information: Patterns of increasing informational poverty
Graham Mark, Hogan Bernie, Straumann Ralph K. & Medhat Ahmed (2014): Uneven geographies of user-generated information: Patterns of increasing informational poverty. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(4): 746–764, doi: 10.1080/00045608.2014.910087


Suitability of STRAVA data for issues pertaining to bicycle traffic
Straumann Ralph, Rothenfluh Marco, Fürstenberger Jonas & Zehnder André (2020): Eignung von STRAVA-Daten für Fragestellungen des Veloverkehrs. (in German, not refereed). Kanton Zürich

Potential analysis of multimodal mobility
Haefeli Ueli, Arnold Tobias, Bruns Frank & Straumann Ralph (2020): Potenzialanalyse multimodale Mobilität. Verlagerungswirkungen, Erhöhung des Fahrzeugbesetzungsgrades sowie Reduktion Organisationsaufwand für Reisende im ÖV bis 2030. (in German, not refereed). Bundesamt für Verkehr BAV

Standardised integrated traffic coverage quality
Frick Roman, Kugelmeier Nicola, Ickert Lutz, Sieber Mark, Stoiber Thomas, Tasnády Bence & Straumann Ralph (2015): Normierte gesamtverkehrliche Erschliessungsqualitäten. (in German, not refereed). Schweizerischer Verband der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute (VSS)

Research package VeSPA, subproject 4: Influences of the weather on road accidents
Heuel Stephan, Straumann Ralph, Schüller Hagen & Keller Urs (2014): Forschungspaket VeSPA, Teilprojekt 4: Einflüsse des Wetters auf das Strassenunfallgeschehen (Forschungsprojekt SVI 2012/005). (in German, not refereed). Schweizerischer Verband der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute (VSS)

Research package VeSPA, subproject 2: Influences of the situation and infrastructure on road accidents
Schüller Hagen, Balmberger Michael, Ulmer Mathias & Straumann Ralph (2014): Forschungspaket VeSPA, Teilprojekt 2: Einflüsse der Situation und Infrastruktur auf das Strassenunfallgeschehen (Forschungsprojekt SVI 2012/003). (in German, not refereed). Schweizerischer Verband der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute (VSS)

3D modelling and geomorphometry

Computation and elicitation of valleyness
Straumann Ralph K. & Purves Ross S. (2011): Computation and elicitation of valleyness. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 11(2): 178–204, doi: 10.1080/13875868.2010.537797

Extraction and characterisation of landforms from Digital Elevation Models: Fiat parsing the elevation field (PhD thesis)
Straumann Ralph K. (2010): Extraction and characterisation of landforms from Digital Elevation Models: Fiat parsing the elevation field. PhD thesis, University of Zurich, Department of Geography
(high-quality pdf, standard-quality pdf, online repository

Quantifying postglacial sediment storage at the mountain-belt scale
Straumann Ralph K. & Korup Oliver (2009): Quantifying postglacial sediment storage at the mountain-belt scale. Geology, 37(12): 1079–1082, doi: 10.1130/G30113A.1

Experiences in developing landform ontologies
Straumann Ralph K. (2009): Experiences in developing landform ontologies (extended abstract). In Purves Ross S., Gruber Stephan, Hengl Tomislav & Straumann Ralph K. (eds): Proceedings of Geomorphometry 2009, 17–21, doi: 10.5167/uzh-25798

Proceedings of Geomorphometry 2009
Purves Ross S., Gruber Stephan, Hengl Tomislav & Straumann Ralph K. (eds.) (2009): Proceedings of Geomorphometry 2009, 31 August – 2 September 2009, Zurich, Switzerland

Quantifying postglacial sediment storage at the mountain-belt scale
Straumann Ralph K. & Korup Oliver (2009): Quantifying postglacial sediment storage at the mountain-belt scale (abstract, not refereed). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, 2009 EGU General Assembly

Delineation of valleys and valley floors
Straumann Ralph K. & Purves Ross S. (2008): Delineation of valleys and valley floors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5266, 320–336, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-87473-7_21

Resolution sensitivity of a compound terrain derivative as computed from LiDAR-based elevation data
Straumann Ralph K. & Purves Ross S. (2007): Resolution sensitivity of a compound terrain derivative as computed from LiDAR-based elevation data. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation & Cartography, 87–109, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-72385-1_5

Sensitivity of process models with respect to the spatial resolution of LiDAR-based elevation data
Straumann Ralph K. (2006): Sensitivität von Prozessmodellen in Bezug auf die Auflösung LIDAR-basierter Höhendaten (MSc thesis, in German). MSc thesis at the Department of Geography of the University of Zurich


Long-term availibility and archiving of geodata: Concepts for the implementation in Swiss governments
Leiss Ivo, Straumann Ralph & Meyer Richard (2015): Nachhaltige Verfügbarkeit und Archivierung von Geodaten: Konzeptstudie zur koordinierten Umsetzung bei Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden (in German, not refereed). SIK-GIS/CSI-SIG

The Swiss GIS community in the virtual space
Straumann Ralph K. (2013): The Swiss GIS community in the virtual space (in German, French and Italian, not refereed). Geomatik Schweiz, 111(8): 441–448

Python as ‘glue’ in the GIS software domain: Sun glare analysis of road traffic accidents
Python as ‘glue’ in the GIS software domain: Sun glare analysis of road traffic accidents (video of talk, in German)
Straumann Ralph K. (2013): Python als GIS-Bindemittel: Analyse der Sonnenblendung bei Verkehrsunfällen (abstract). Proceedings of FOSSGIS 2013, Rapperswil, Switzerland

Survey of True 3D and raster level of detail support in GIS software
Bektaş Kenan, Çöltekin Arzu & Straumann Ralph K. (2012): Survey of True 3D and raster level of detail support in GIS software. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation & Cartography, 43–65, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-12272-9_3