While being familiar with the context of, and – from a GIS perspective – research into, OpenStreetMap (OSM) and other crowdsourcing efforts in the geospatial field, I was not aware that there are books dedicated to OSM. Over at Po Ve Sham Muki Haklay hosts a comprehensive review (by Thomas Koukoletsos and himself) of two OSM books. The two books covered are:
- OpenStreetMap: Using and Enhancing the Free Map of the World (by F. Ramm, J. Topf and S. Chilton, 386 pages, £25/$26) and
- OpenStreetMap: Be your own Cartographer (by J. Bennett, 252 pages, £25/$34)
(note the price difference in $ between the two books).
The former book also has a dedicated website in German and English.
In some parts the review by Thomas Koukoletsos and Muki sounds relatively equivocal, but the two come up with a strong recommendation at the end. Head over to Po Ve Sham for the full details.